Case Study 1

This creator has been working with us since July 2022. Her OnlyFans page is 0.01% and is currently earning $225,000 USD per month on average in 2023.

Case Study 1

*Case studies have been de-identified for our clients'privacy.

  • 2022

    Working with us
  • 0.01 %

    OnlyFans page
  • $225,000 USD

    Currently earning per month
When we first started working with this creator, she had no existing OnlyFans account or any social media following. We are incredibly proud to say that within 1 month of working with us, she reached 0.1% and within 5 months she reached 0.01% and has been in the top 0.01% ever since.


We were able to identify a strong personal brand identity for this creator and setup all of her social media from scratch, based around this brand. We run multiple accounts on multiple social media platforms for this client to maximise their revenue.

This client works on creating content approximately 3 days per week, and with this work load, is able to live the life she has always dreamed of.