Case Study 2

This creator has been working with us since July 2022. Her OnlyFans page is 0.3% and is earning $52,000 USD per month on average in 2023.

Case Study 2

*Case studies have been de-identified for our clients'privacy.

  • 2022

    Working with us
  • 0.3 %

    OnlyFans page
  • $52,000 USD

    Currently earning per month
When we first started working with this creator, she had been running her own OnlyFans account for several months, with little success. Within 3 months of working with us, her page went from earning a few hundred dollars a week to having an $80,000 USD month.


We re-evaluated her brand, re-launched her page, and started a new social media strategy. Since working with us, her social media strategy and brand has solidified, and she is able to earn a consistent, high income.

This creator highly values her personal life, and enjoys travelling throughout the year and spending time with friends and family and having new experiences. She is not a workaholic, and currently works about one day per week or less creating content, while we do the rest.